We proudly introduce: the next generation in measuring Thermal Comfort! At Senseca, years ago, we were the first to introduce a portable instrument that had an instantaneously calculation of the PMV/PPD and WBGT index and could directly display these values.
The great success of our range of Thermal Comfort instruments that all work according to the ISO regulations has made it a useful tool for many users all over the world.
The new range HD32.3TC(A) has added possibilities that will prove our users that Senseca still remains the leading company for these measurements. We measure and calculate not only the standard values like RH, °C and airspeed, but also we have now added the turbulence intensity as one of the new parameters.
We as Senseca listen to requests from our markets, we are ‘dedicated to our customers’. Ask for a demo of the new TC series or let us know any request for additional information. Find the full information here.
ISO7243, ISO7730, ISO7726.
WiFi connectivity, FTP storage