For applications inside buildings or outside in ‘the field’ we provide a complete range of IoT data loggers: long distance data transmission.
Our LoRa data loggers have a wide choice of standard sensors for measurements like temperature, humidity, dew point, CO2, differential pressure…and many more. Next to this, it is possible to integrate (third-party) sensors that have Modbus communication or analog outputs.
For monitoring purposes of environmental conditions, like rain gauges, solar measurements or soil conditions, we have our IP67 range of loggers.
This system provides a great solution for Air Quality measurements in Smart City projects or measurement applications in Agriculture: simple to set up and directly have access to the measurement data.
The loggers are configured to work directly with any available public LoRaWAN® network, but can also be used with any commercially available 3G, 4G, Ethernet gateway. Compatible with the free IoT platform ‘The things Network’.
Your measurement data is safe: the logger had an internal memory so that even when there would be an interrupted transmission, the data will still be secured.
Measurement data can be visualized by standard (Senseca) cloud or third-party clouds.
If you want to know more, you can download our leaflet here.
Interested in availability and prices? Write us an e-mail.