HD2024C – Class 1 Sound Level Calibrator
Sound level calibrator, class 1, IEC60942, for 1/2' microphones (1/4' with adapter HD2020AD4), 94dB , 1KHz.
The HD2024 sound level calibrator is a portable, battery operated sound source, suitable for sound level meters (portable and laboratory) and acoustic stations.
It allows calibrating 1/2” (1/4” with HD2020AD4 adapter) microphones with mechanical dimensions compliant with IEC 61094-1 and IEC 61094-4.
The generated sound pressure level is equal to 94 dB at 1000 Hz frequency. A LED signals the low battery condition.
Advantages of the HD2024 calibrator:
- The 1000 Hz frequency allows calibrating sound level meters with any frequency weighting (LIN, A, B, …), without applying any correction factor.
- The generated sound pressure level is indipendent of atmospheric pressure: you don’t need to adjust the value according to static pressure over a wide range of values.
- Its simplicity of use allows even unskilled staff to use it.
It includes ISO17025 Calibration Certificate.