HD2003 – 3-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer – Multiparameter

HD2003 – 3-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer – Multiparameter

Ultrasonic static anemometer for measuring wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure.

HD2003 is a 3-axis static anemometer for measuring wind speed and direction, U-V-W cartesian components of speed, wind gust, sound speed, sonic temperature, air temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure.

Main characteristics:

  • 5 analogue voltage or current outputs, with different measuring ranges.
  • RS232 and Multidrop RS485 Serial Communication interfaces.
  • Configurable output rate of digital output data string.
  • Configurable average periods 1÷60 s and 1÷60 min. for all output quantities.
  • Processing algorithms and validation of the raw measurement signals to provide a measure of greatness anemometer with ± 1%.
  • Digital high frequency data acquisition mode with 50Hz data output.
  • Self diagnostics with error checking and report.
  • Reliability and accuracy throughout the measuring range without further calibration.
  • Flexible, easy-to use demo software, configurable according to the user’s needs through Computer interface.
  • User interface for managing the setup and software upgrade via RS232 or RS485.
  • Compass magneto sensor for automatic alignment to magnetic north.
  • No moving parts, maintenance costs and reduced service.
  • Robust construction, suitable to operate continuously in harsh conditions.
  • Low power consumption.

Available as well with heating option (HD2003R): built-in heating device of sonic transducers, to prevent ice and snow formation. Assures correct measurements even in presence of sleet or snow.

If you are looking for the measurement of only wind speed and direction, please refer to the model HD2003.1

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