
  • PYRAsense – Tecnologia intelligente e sensori diagnostici nella nostra nuova famiglia di piranometri!

    By on Giugno 30, 2023

    Novità assoluta nella gamma dei nostri sensori di radiazione solare, PYRAsense è una nuova famiglia di piranometri che porta la misurazione della radiazione solare ad un livello superiore! A seconda del modello e in base agli standard ISO 9060:2018 e alle raccomandazioni del WMO, si distinguono in: PYRAsense10 – Spectrally Flat Classe A PYRAsense02 – Spectrally Flat Classe B...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • GHM Group diventa SENSECA: la nuova casa per la tecnologia di misurazione di alto livello

    By on Giugno 22, 2023

    Il gruppo GHM, azienda leader nel campo delle tecnologie di misurazione portatili e ambientali, compie un ulteriore passo verso l’internazionalizzazione: i suoi cinque marchi si fonderanno in un’unica, agile azienda per rispondere rapidamente alle esigenze dei clienti e alle tendenze del mercato.   Remscheid, 22 giugno 2023 – Un’unica azienda, un brand, un purpose: diventare “enabler of a sustainable...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • Misurazione di precisione dei livelli di pressione sonora

    By on Maggio 27, 2021

    Qualità, stabilità e affidabilità di un preamplificatore microfonico sono fondamentali nel processo di acquisizione di misure accurate dei livelli di pressione sonora. Il segnale ad alta impedenza generato dai microfoni di precisione, molto sensibile alle caratteristiche dei cavi di trasmissione, richiede di essere amplificato e reso compatibile con le specifiche degli ingressi dei sistemi di misura professionali. La qualità...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • Make sure you get the maxium efficency from your UV LED light!

    By on Marzo 18, 2021

    Faced with the fear of Covid-19, all over the world, researchers are focused on finding solutions and tools to fight the virus. These include as well UV lamps and their capacity to inhibit viruses. According to recent studies, it appears that the application of UVC ultraviolet radiation used by the new LED lamps has proved to be highly effective....

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • Ambient Air Quality: nowadays we are all aware of the importance of clean air!

    By on Marzo 18, 2021

    The term Air Pollutants also known as Particulate Matter or PM it is used to indicate the mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some of these particles are large enough to be seen with naked eye but many other are so small and fine that can only be detected through specific instruments. Depending on...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • LoRaWAN® loggers LR35

    By on Marzo 17, 2021

    For applications inside buildings or outside in ‘the field’ we provide a complete range of IoT data loggers: long distance data transmission. Our LoRa data loggers have a wide choice of standard sensors for measurements like temperature, humidity, dew point, CO2, differential pressure…and many more. Next to this, it is possible to integrate (third-party) sensors that...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • Detecting Rain…Drops

    By on Marzo 16, 2021

    HD2013.3 is the newest update of our rain-detector, equipped with additional features like Modbus communication and analogue outputs. A simple but robust measurement made to do what it should do: to detect rain. What is interesting to see is what is being considered as ‘rain’. That depends a lot on the application. What some people call a ‘rain-event’ others...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • We calibrate wind-speed and wind-direction!

    By on Marzo 15, 2021

    Added to our calibration capabilities: calibration certificate on wind-direction. As we receive more and more request for not only wind-speed calibration but also for a calibration certificate on wind-direction, we have invested in this possibility. We can generate several calibration reports as a standard: starting from a 4 point calibration (per 90°), up to a 24 points calibration (per...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • We take calibration to the next level

    By on Marzo 14, 2021

    We as Senseca are so used to having extensive in-house ISO17025 calibration possibilities, that we sometimes forget how different this makes us from other suppliers. We do not just operate ‘a’ ISO17025 calibration facility. Our in-house ISO 17025 accredited Calibration Centre in fact consists of 6 independent laboratories; accredited for Air Speed, Temperature, Acoustic, Light, Pressure and Humidity. We...

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    Senseca Italy Srl
  • UVC Check Kit: measure UV-C

    By on Marzo 13, 2021

    UVC irradiance measurement is important to check equipment that emits UV-C. Disinfection when using UVC can be very efficient. The Ultra Violet C light is being used to disinfect water, air and surfaces. Important is that the correct dose of UV-C is used; only when having the correct dosing of UV-C makes the disinfection effective. All equipment as used...

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    Senseca Italy Srl